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Buy the debut album!
CD (online): Scott DL’s Shop
CD (in-store): Freakbeat Records |
Hunky Dory Records | Strange Maine
CD / Digital Downloads: Bandcamp
Digital Downloads: Qobuz | Amazon

Universal Travelers music video released

Universal Travelers music video released Scott DL's Enlightenment Saloon - Universal Travelers (Scott DL, D. E. Pals) Sincere thanks to everyone at the Artisan Studio at Brucemore! Created using Interocitor by Global Nation.

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Scott DL featured in new digital series

Scott DL featured in new digital series Scott DL is featured in the first episode of Live from the Artisan Studio, a new digital series on the YouTube channel @BrucemoreArtisanStudio. Scott talks about his songwriting journey and the meaning of Enlightenment Saloon...

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